Here’s another gem from the ninth circle of Hell aka the Horseshoe Casino marketing department, who wants the folks around E105th and St. Clair — in a neighborhood where 47% of the households have an annual income under $19K — to know that it only takes one roll to WIN BIG. So have another. And another. And why not just one more small gamble, because it only takes one.
In other Dan Gilbert news, he tweeted out a link this week to a post at a Detroit advertising agency’s blog. “I loved this column,” Gilbert said.
Naturally, this column is about how all of Michigan’s problems would be solved if only low level employees of large landowners would do more work than what they’re paid for. That’s called “awesomeness,” according to the blog post (seriously, read it), which is (for real) titled, “Right To Work? How About ‘Right To Awesomeness’?”
Gilbert is also upset with actor Sean Penn this week, apparently because Penn used Detroit’s poverty problem as a reference point with respect to the devastation suffered in Haiti due to the 2010 earthquake there. Either that or its because Penn spends so much time in Haiti helping with recovery efforts. Probably both, because why doesn’t Penn know that all Haiti really needs is more “awesomeness”?
Which is all here this week other than this update on Eric Mangini from SI’s Richard Dietsch. Hope everyone’s weekend gets off to a decent start and we’ll be back on Sunday with a Shurmurball open thread.