Good grief, it’s Browns season again

by Cleveland Frowns on September 11, 2016

After last season, on top of every other Cleveland football season and non-season since 1995, it seems all there is to appreciate about the Browns anymore are the parallels between the spectacular deterioration of the franchise and that of Cleveland’s middle class, job market, and social safety net.


Will Hue Jackson and a bunch of Ivy-degreed technocrats give us any reason to think that what was good about the Browns hasn’t gone away with so much about what used be good about America? Now that LeBron has made good on the greatest story imaginable in modern pro-sports, how much enthusiasm will Northeast Ohioans be able to maintain for a bunch of guys flown in by an oligarch from Tennessee to play football games with “Cleveland” written on their shirts?

Folks will have to tune in to find out.

Happy football season to all, from the folks at Cleveland Frowns.

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